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7th International Conference on Women and Gender in Transportation

Progress and Possibilities: Bridging perspectives


September 9-11th, 2024

Irvine, California (USA)

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Dinner at the Women's Issues in Transportation 2019 Conference

Women and Gender in Transportation

TRB Standing Committee (AME20)

Welcome to the website for the Women and Gender in Transportation TRB Standing Committee.  We use this site to share announcements, research information, upcoming events, and anything else we think the committee's friends and members might want to know. For the most up-to-date information, check out our most recent newsletter on the Resources page.


We always welcome new friends of the committee.  If you'd like to join the committee's mailing list, please sign up to be a Friend of the Committee on MyTRB.  We look forward to your participation in our committee's activities.


Thanks for your interest!

Home: Welcome

Any opinions, findings, or conclusions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Transportation Research Board or the National Academies.

Last Update: June 24, 2024 Website Administrator: Amy Fong,

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