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Webinar recording: Exploring Inclusion for our QTPOC Travelers and Workers


Updated: Nov 23, 2021

October 20, 2021 9 am-10:30 am EST or 6 am-7:30 am PST

Sponsored by:

Sub-Committee on Mainstreaming Gender Data in Transportation, AME 20(1)

Watch the recording of the webinar below:

The Stonewall Riots in 1969 are widely considered to be a point of departure for a long, but gradually improved process of liberation and acceptance of the QTPOC/LGBTQIA+ community. Travel motivations usually arise from the opportunity to feel free and articulate identity in a non-judgmental space. QTPOC ridership is growing, but what we're not seeing are plans to accommodate or protect them. As QTPOC/LGBTQIA+ travelers have become a more visible group, what have we done in regards to policy change to support them?

Additionally, many studies in diversity, equity, and inclusion have focused on the conditions for the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ workers, particularly QTPOC riders, without acknowledging the toxic systemic structures embedded in organizations. For example, transgender workers thrive in a workplace contingent upon on how well they feel supported expressing their gender identity openly without judgement. Very few discussions have occurred on the highly situational performance of trans workers and how a transgender person expresses their gender identity differently depending on the space they occupy. Discourse on workplace inclusion often fails to acknowledge the toxic heteronormative structure of the organization, which can further silence minorities and make them “invisible.”

This webinar will discuss the types of spaces that LGBTQIA+ travelers and workers encounter. The discrimination that LGBTQIA+/QTPOC experience and are compounded by their intersecting identities. According to a poll by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, “LGBTQ people of color are more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to say they've been discriminated against because they are LGBTQ in applying for jobs and interacting with police. LGBTQ people of color are six times more likely to say they have avoided calling the police (30 percent) owing to concern about anti-LGBTQ discrimination, compared with white LGBTQ people (5 percent). ”

Compared to LGBTQIA+ spaces (spaces where the queer community effectively outnumbers heterosexuals), how many other spaces allow the QTPOC/LGBTQIA+ folx to enjoy personal freedom and safety authentically?

This webinar will help us understand the limits and failures in policies that support LGBTQIA+ spaces. What directions do we need to take for collective action to change policies and find new ways of creating inclusive spaces?


Angie Catalano (She/Her), ELA Teacher, DEI Consultant and Trauma-Informed Coach, Connecticut

Having grown up in San Jose, CA with an Ethiopian mother and an Italian-American father, I now live and teach in CT. I have been an out lesbian since I was a teenager, and I am also a sexual assault survivor. I grew up attending the Greek Orthodox Church every Sunday, playing sports with my brothers (and often beating them), and being the only black student in the honors classes. Navigating the various aspects of my identity has taught me much about power, identity, and integrity. I have taught in public, charter, and magnet schools in wealthy and impoverished, segregated and diverse, American-born and immigrant areas, and I daily infuse cultural competency and anti-racism in my interactions with students and colleagues. I was the Advisor and School representative for the GSA for 9 years, impacting over more than 250 students. I believe that we are all models, and that we must lead with our conduct.


Josie Caballeros (She/They), Program Manager, National Center for Trans Equality

Josie Caballero (She/They) is a US Navy veteran that has devoted her life to service as a Progressive leader. She founded the San Diego Progressive Democratic Club in 2015 and in 2016 and 2020 would serve as a national delegate for Bernie Sanders for District 53 in California. She serves as a delegate to the California Democratic Party and has been a member of the San Diego County Democratic Central Committee for over 5 years. She ran for election to the U.S. House to Representative in 2020 for California's 53rd Congressional District and was a candidate for the nonpartisan District 7 seat on the San Diego City Council in California in 2016. She is a proud trans woman and has been publicly out since July this year. Josie is a Program Manager at National Center for Trans Equality.

Angelle Maua, (They/She/Elle), Founder,The Gender Phluid Collective, San Diego

Angelle (they/she/elle) is a very proud parent of a transgender young adult, and it was through their child's transition they noticed the need for QTPOC/BIPOC safe, confidential brave spaces for support in LGBTQIA+ communities of color, especially the African American communities in North and Southeast San Diego Counties. It was because of this void in the QTPOC/BIPOC LGBTQIA+ communities that the GPC support groups and other services have formed. Their work mainly focuses on transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming and gender fluid communities to help ensure they have spaces to be 100% authentic and affirmed.

Morgan Hunlen, (She/They) Thrivance Group, Los Angeles

Morgan Hunlen (She/They pronouns) is a planner with the ThrivanceGroup. Born and raised in Atlanta Georgia, Morgan obtained a Professional Pilot degree from Middle Tennessee State University in 2016 and worked in various settings before returning to school for Urban and Regional Planning at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in 2018. Throughout her entire life, Morgan has dedicated themselves to pursuing futures where they could support greater mobility determination for communities in need. Furthermore, Morgan is an outspoken advocate for LGBT+ rights, and has advocated for the need to support the mobility freedom of the LGBT+ community. Morgan has also participated in organizing outreach and activism efforts in Nashville, Tennessee and St. Louis, Missouri. Love has brought her to Los Angeles, California, where she continues to pursue her goals and remain involved in community initiatives

Ja’Nae Tyler (She/Her), Program Director Baltimore Safe Haven

Currently, the Program Director for Baltimore Safe Haven and CEO of Janaedarlene, LLC. A LGBT advocacy and sexual health consultation firm. She is an 33-year-old Trans* Woman of Color. At a tender age of 15 years old, Ja’Nae, lost her mother to what she later found was due to “Complications of HIV”. Determined to turn her tragedy to triumph, Ja’Nae set out to educate herself on HIV. In 2010 Ja’Nae landed her first job in HIV prevention as a HIV test counselor. And In 2013 she begun here work in advocacy. From marching on the front lines, to a commissioner on Philadelphia's commission on LGBT affairs, to multi board appointees. Ja’Nae prides herself as being award winning HIV and Public Health champion and LGBT Activist and Victim Advocate and leader in both the mainstream and Kiki ballroom scene.

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