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Women & Gender in Transportation (AME20) Spring Meeting + Emerging Researcher Panel

Updated: May 18, 2022

On Friday May 13, 2022, AME20 held a Spring Meeting.

The agenda included committee updates, welcoming new members, and a panel of four emerging researchers discussing recent research that centers on the needs and experiences of travelers with disabilities and marginalized gender identities.

Watch a recording of the meeting (panel begins around 30-minute mark):

Moderator: Amy Fong, US Department of Labor

Panelists and Presentation Titles:

Kaylyn Levine, The University of Texas at Austin A Justice-Based Approach to Access: Five Opportunities to Address the Needs of People with Disabilities in Transportation Planning

Mahtot Gebresselassie, Carnegie Mellon University; York University (incoming) New Technology, Old Problems: Challenges of Wheelchair-Accessible Transportation

Jamie Kwon, Rutgers University Disability, Traveling, and Access to Opportunities: The Role of Economic Resources

Maddy Ruvolo, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Disability Community Outreach for the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program: A San Francisco Case Study

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